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Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 10 Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 10 Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 10 Amos 7: 7-15 Ephesians-1: 3-14 Mark 6: 14-29 ‘The letter to the Ephesians sets the life of the Christian Church in the context of the cosmic plan of God. The letter will go on to give quite detailed advice about how Christians should live together, day to day, but it is
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 12 Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 12 Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 12 2 Kings 4. 42-44 Ephesians 3: 14-21 John 6: 1-21 The story of the feeding of the five thousand is found in all four Gospels, making it one of the best attested of Jesus’s miracles. John’s Gospel sometimes uses memories and stories that clearly come from different source
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 14 Year A
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 14 Year A
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Lectionary reflections - Year A Ordinary Time Proper 14 1 Kings 19.9–18 Romans 10.5–15 Matthew 14.22–33 There is something about us that is deeply resistant to the grace of God. It’s not that we don’t believe in him, or wish to follow him, or that we consciously reject him, but w
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 11 Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - Proper 11 Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 11 Jeremiah 23: 1-6 Ephesians-2: 11-22 Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56 In today’s reading from Mark’s Gospel, we get a strong sense of the enormous pressure Jesus and the disciples were under at this point in his ministry. Jesus is at the height of his popularity and although his con
Body, spirit and spirituality
Body, spirit and spirituality
by Colin Smith
This short reflection/sermon (867 words) explains our spirituality as being confined within a physical body whilst we live here on earth. God, however is not so confined but he uses us to operate in the world. Thus the importance of aligning His will to ours in building his ki
Painting 'Spirit moving over the waters'
Painting 'Spirit moving over the waters'
by Rev David East
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in
Opening Prayers for Pentecost
Opening Prayers for Pentecost
by Christine Dutton
Prayers suitable for gathering at the beginning of worship at Pentecost. Opening Prayers for Pentecost When the Day of Pentecost came there was a noise... like a strong wind blowing As we gather this morning, we pray that the wind of the Holy Spirit might blow strongly through th
Securing Adam's Heritage
Securing Adam's Heritage
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
This hymn is a attempt to examine the scriptural and theological implications of our present ecological disasters,beginning from the creation narrative in Genesis. It points to the longing for the restoration of the earth, our dwelling-place, and stresses the need for stewardship
Refining Spirit, Flame From Love's Pure Fire
Refining Spirit, Flame From Love's Pure Fire
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
This hymn text is based on words of Saint Elizabeth of Schonau, mystic (1129-1164): "O consuming fire, O Spirit of love, descend into the depth of our hearts and there transform us, until we are fire of your fire, love of your love, and Christ himself is formed within us. Amen."
God of our Future